
farming with grandpa

awesome red socks

I got sprayed with dust taking this picture.


apples galore

Family fun with the cider press...

Everything in moderation...and that goes for apples and cider, too.
I warned Isaac to stop eating apples.
I guess he had to figure that out for himself.
Hours later.....Mommyyyy!!!!! Come wipe meeeeee!!!!


you are...

...what you read.

Do you believe it? I almost do. Rather, you become what you read.

Here I am, ranting again -- this time about books. Books are often viewed as sacred truth. It's because they're bound together in a nice, neat fashion with a pretty cover and a catchy title. It bothers me how influential some authors are. The books we choose to read shape our minds, whether we want them to or not. The Shack, for instance, is, in my humble opinion, a novel that raises many theological questions. One reviewer called it "a theological novel that teaches far too much unbiblical theology." If a person reads *too many* of these ungrounded novels or even shaky non-fiction "Christian" books, his own belief system could easily start becoming shaky. We may call ourselves "discerning" and tell ourselves we won't be changed by it, but we are what we eat.

Girl Meets God is an autobiography of a young woman searching for truth...somewhere within books stacked high. This woman is a prime example of how beliefs are altered from what you read. She claimed to have found the truth by the end of the book, but that's not what it seemed. This was another woman looking for truth in the wrong place, just like a blind, starving prisoner would grapple for crumbs in the middle of cold, dark, wet jail cell.

I could go on, listing more books that are not worth your time. You can visit the Discerning Reader website. I don't agree with everything the reviewers say, but they sure do bring up interesting points in their book reviews.

The bottom line...
Where do we find good truth? The only Book you can trust completely.
God's Word.
Read it.
And let yourself be transformed by it.