

San Angelo: "The place to come for good times" they say.

Three hotspots we hit today:

1. Kids Kingdom. Ever been to the Bern park? This was pretty similar, except three times bigger. Wow. The kids were overwhelmingly excited, running around not knowing what to do first. It's a beautiful park with a picnic shelter. There were knights and princesses dressed up outside the playground. The knights were sword-fighting, and the princesses were sitting, watching. Well, one princess was talking on her cell phone. That didn't really fit. ;)

2. San Angelo Visitor Center alongside the Concho River. Beautiful. We've never seen so many turtles in a river! We walked across bridges and along the riverwalk. The vegetation was beautiful, especially for being in the middle of a desert climate.

Oh yeah, there's something about sheep in this city...23 different sheep statues around town.

3. The Old Chicken Farm Art Center. This was interesting. Sitting in the middle of a run-down neighborhood, this "center" was actually an outdoor art gallery. Different artsy vendors set up booths and activities for people stopping by. Today they had a big table for kids to make free clay creations. About three different groups of pickers were singing and playing old songs. One booth had welding, where you could weld any metal piece of junk to this metal "creation" that looked like a couple kids on bikes. What an interesting atmosphere.

It was quite a fun morning.


  1. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. I hope to see it alll when we come down in Sept. The kids look a little hot, so hope it cools off by Sept! It is so thoughtful of you to post all the pictures of the kids, where are pictures of you? Does Jared know how to work the camera? Love Sally

  2. Looks like lots of fun...hot, but fun! Glad you guys are getting a chance to do lots of family things. I pray that times like that become something you will look back on and treasure.
    Miss you
