
the visit

We are SO grateful that we just got to spend 5 days with the grandparents. Instead of us serving them as our "company," they always end up serving us and helping us out more than we deserve. We were all delighted to see them when they arrived on Saturday; the kids, of course, saw them coming and, in their excitement, streaked through the apartment to hide in their rooms a bit before giving hugs and kisses.

They came bearing gifts: care-packages from dear family at home, a sweet, yummy watermelon and a box of juicy tomatoes from our garden, and neat little surprises for the kids, including fruit snacks. (The kids always raid Grandma Sally's desk drawer at the bank because they know she keeps fruit snacks in there.)
Monday morning, we visited Kingdom Park. After getting tired of chasing the kids around this massive park, we crossed the bridge to see the little waterfalls by the Visitor's Center. Here are some fun shots.

Grandpa Alan did a superb job at making the kids smile here. I won't tell you what he did. ;)

I hope Alan and Sally don't mind me putting their picture on here. It's such a good picture that I couldn't pass it up.

On Sunday evening, we spent $12.00 to enter the San Angelo State Park. We hiked one trail but turned around because the sun was setting and we didn't really know where we were going to end up. There were rock mounds on this trail. The kids added to them. There was also talk of rattlesnakes and how this park would be an excellent place for them to live. Following this conversation, I almost died of shock when a 4-foot snake slithered away right beside me. Thank goodness we only saw an armadillo, fireants, and some quail after that. I still listened for rattles, though.

We did a lot of relaxing while they were here. The kids enjoyed the extra attention. We loved the adult company. And our last bit of fun was going to the circus on Wednesday.

After they left this morning, the kids changed their magnetic faces for the day. And here's how they feel now:

We miss them already.

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