
first days of school

It makes me feel old to consider how my anticipation of the first days of school have changed over the years.

As a new kindergartener...no recollection. As a young kid...excitement for using really sharp pencils and new crayons. Ahh, the smell of those crayons! As an adolescent...tremendous excitement! We always thought it would come faster if we went to bed reeeeaallly early. That didn't work; we could never get to sleep. As a high schooler, I loved going back to school, mainly for social reasons.

As a college student...I'd wince at my checkbook as I prepared for the first day of school. Being in college was fun, I guess, but being away from Jared was a big drawback. My main goal in college was to get done as soon as possible.

As a new teacher...gut-wrenching anxiety. The principal had told me my kids were "the classroom from hell." As they strutted into the building that first day, I crossed my arms across my chest. A teacher on my team walked with me and said, "Don't cross your arms; if you don't look confident, they'll eat you alive." The first days were indescribably educational.

As a parent...10% excited for this new opportunity. 90% wanting to hold on a little bit longer. In a year, I'm sure the inside of my cheek won't be so bitten raw.

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