

A positive and encouraging alternative to regular radio. We have our bathroom radio tuned to Positive, Encouraging K-Love. You can even listen online. While it can be considered a cleaner radio station than secular ones, we listeners need to be on guard.

Before church this morning, the K-Love news room shared a "positive" news story as they do throughout each day. They shared a short blurb from this 'Yappy Hour' article. (Please click to read the entire article.) Apparently, the First United Methodist Church in a couple locations has started a pet ministry, where the church has a "service of blessing the animals." People bring their beloved pets to church. You can read more details in the article. Not only is this ministry bizarre; it's UNbiblical. People and animals are different. Animals do not have souls. People do.

That's not the main reason for my outrage, though. I am very bothered that a "Christian" radio station would even air this story. Millions of people listen to K-Love. Airing a heretical story and calling it a "positive" piece of news, thus implying that it is Biblical truth-- is BAD, especially for those listeners who don't realize the untruth of it all.

Conclusion: K-Love may sound positive and encouraging at first, but that may not always mean Biblical and true. "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong" 1 Corinthians 16:13.


  1. Good advice! We always need to weigh things against what the Bible says. Just because "Christian" is attached to something doesn't mean it is pleasing to the Lord. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. That's why I refer to them as "K-Fluff." Discernment isn't a very popular thing these days - I think it's generally considered to be arrogance, intolerance and un-loving to question anything (post-modernism). It's sad to see the things that pass as "Christian" in many Christian bookstores, too.

    "But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil." 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22


  3. K-Fluff....that's hilarious! :)

  4. I'm not much of a pet lover, and I don't feel any personal connection to K-Love (although I listen some and did happen to hear this story), but I feel like throwing some other thoughts into the pot.
    First, how do we know animals don't have souls? There's nothing in the Bible that says that. Yes, we have dominion over them, and God created Adam smartest so he would be able to name them all, and all of that, but I wouldn't put it beyond God to give them souls. (What would limit God to redeeming only human beings on planet earth?)
    Second, the Bible does say in quite a few places, either explicitly or implicitly, that the whole earth belongs to the Lord, and, um, I think that includes animals and everything else. The whole earth -- everything that has breath -- is to praise the Lord. That seems to imply that he values praise from all sectors of creation. Why would we not take care of all creation so that it might praise him better? Why would we, say, feed our pets but not pray for them? What would Jesus do for a sick dog?
    Third, I'm thinking of Paul in prison writing to the Philippians. They were getting their knickers in a twist worrying about other evangelists' motives for preaching the gospel. In effect, he says, "Stop worrying about that. What matters is that Christ is preached" (Phil. 1:12-18). I'm not *sure* that passage is exactly applicable (because it's not the same situation), but to me it seems the overall message is.
    Fourth, I have some friends who are totally sold out for Jesus, and they love their pets. They would so be there at that "Yappy Hour." They would probably shout "Hallelujah!" to hear about a church that provided an opportunity to minister to animals, because their animals have been such a ministry of God to my friends.
    I guess, in summary, I'm inclined to cut K-Love some slack. Their stories of animals (I've only heard one) come nowhere near close to overshadowing God's love for people. If it's still bothering you, how about writing a letter to K-Love? That might get more done in the long run. And let's keep seeking God's heart and mind on everything.

  5. Rachel, interesting discussion!
    Topic #1:
    Disclaimer: I don't hate animals. I do like pets. Lucy-dog, as annoying as she can be, is still loved. I love cats, too, probably more so than dogs. Our sheep, too, get face rubs; when they nudge me for more, I keep rubbing.
    You're right, Rachel, I don't think the Bible says that animals don't have souls. It doesn't say they do either. The Bible doesn't say there's not life on other planets; it doesn't say there is either. But in both cases, the Bible records the intricacies of Man and Earth. In Man's case, He gave us self-consciousness and the ability to reason and make conclusions. Animals can't; they operate on instinct. Ex. Lucy kills kittens. (Is that sin? I think not. But anyway...) Does she repent when I yell at her with tears streaking down my face for killing a tiny innocent kitten? She gets scared and hides under our car until I go back inside, but there is no way she can be sorry or even communicate repentance to us. Maybe we can try to train Lucy to not kill kittens (how?), but animals are animals. God made man in his own image, not the animals [in his own image]. Unless there's something supernatural going on inside the animal kingdom, I do not believe that animals are even aware of God. But COULD God give them souls? Yes. I guess it goes back to the main purpose of man and the main purpose of animals--and this will really get people riled up. Man was created to worship God. Animals were created by God for food. Not just food for us, but food for other animals. I agree that the whole earth and everything on/in it belongs to God and that we DO need to be good stewards. However, because I watered a living and breathing tree, does that mean the tree will better praise God? Because I brush Lucy's hair and feed her every day and pet her or even let her come to church with us, does that mean she can better praise God? Sounds absurd to me. Unless, of course, something unknown to man is going on here that only God knows about. Now, if God's Word told me to take Lucy to church, I'd do it. But it doesn't say that. I don't see anything wrong with 'Yappy Hour' if it is merely a place for pet-lovers to come and worship God. I disagree with those who imply that Yappy Hour will make their pets better pets. It will make no difference, because animals don't have souls. Yes, the Bible says that we shouldn't focus on evangelists' motives. If Yappy Hour gets people to hear the gospel of Christ, then GREAT, let's do it. But don't tell me this service is for dogs to come to Christ. I'll admit: I've never thought about praying for Lucy. This animal discussion probably isn't even worth my posting on this blog. Topic #2 is, though.

    Topic #2:
    Of the two topics, the K-Love one bothers me the most. I've listened to this station for 9 years. The more I listen, the more I become bothered by some of the things they choose to say and share on the air. Some of the music is NOT God-honoring; quite the opposite--it's self-honoring. The morning talk-shows are sometimes fine, but for the most part are shallow and sometimes even misleading of the true gospel of Christ. And this was apparent BEFORE the 'Yappy Hour' story. Okay, I can't expect K-Love to be perfect because it's made of imperfect people, just like any church. But something with that great of influence needs to be TRUE and RIGHT. I actually thought of writing a letter to K-Love before I wrote this post. Perhaps I should. :)

    Am I being too DOGmatic? (Get it? Ha Ha! Couldn't help myself.)
    Love you, Rachel! Thanks for writing. Got me thinking. :)

  6. Wow, Myra, I have to disagree with you on both points. I do believe that animals have souls. Without souls, how do they feel emotion, and yes, my dogs are very emotional beings. Also, God did NOT create animals for food. Killing animals for food and clothing did not happen until after the Fall. God created the lion to lay down with the lamb. I am not a vegetarian, but I honestly believe that is an approach to life much closer to Eden than we who kill for food.
