
as of late

not in the mood

Carly wanted to capture Sister #3, Isaac, and I.

shootin' blue rock

hot springerle

preschool Christmas program

the Polar Express train, coming down the front steps

their first attempt at a gingerbread house from scratch


  1. Great pictures! Your kids are so adorable and you guys do so many fun things together!

  2. did you really use gingerbread to make the house? we always use graham crackers. i guess we are cheaters :)

  3. Thanks, Jennifer. You can tell that I borrowed a REAL camera (Rachel's Canon) on the first two. :) Gina, I had to make gingerbread boys anyway for a party this week. After 100 cookies, I was tired of rolling and re-rolling dough. This is the result. I just told them it was THEIR project, and I wasn't going to help them. :)
