
my problem

Another lie I didn't realize I believed...
"The Truth is that only by accepting full responsibility for our actions and attitudes can we ever be fully free from guilt. As one writer said:
Sin is the best news there is, the best news there could be in our predicament. Because with sin, there's a way out. There's the possibility of repentance. You can't repent of confusion or psychological flaws inflicted by {your parents--you're stuck with them}*. But you can repent of sin. Sin and repentance are the only grounds for hope and joy**."

*Myra's note: I'd rather use the word "others" here. How could I ever blame my parents for inflicting flaws? That's unfair. They're human, just like everybody else.
**Myra's second note: This is only through God's grace, through the shed blood of Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. I love that thought -- that sin is good news for us -- because there's salvation for us, then! But I don't mind saying our parents inflict flaws on us. We're inflicting flaws on our kids. We all do, try as we might to parent perfectly. God uses that to point them toward himself.
