
car talk

They say that you should turn off the radio in the car when travelling with your kids. Kids communicate better when you aren't staring them in the face, I guess. This is our normal practice to and from town. On one section of the road, we talk about what we're thankful for. On another, we talk about the day's plans. These subjects sometimes turn into more meaningful talk. Take Monday, for instance, which went something like this:

Myra: Today is Grandma Aberle's birthday. She's 57 years old!

Carly: And you're 31.

Isaac: How can she be older than you when you're bigger?

M: God just made me taller and bigger.

(The kids sat there, thinking thoughtful thoughts.)

I: Abraham's wife had a baby when she was as old as Grandpa Hartter!!

M: Wasn't that an awesome miracle? That's one reason why she laughed when God told her that she'd have a baby. She didn't believe it because she was so old. But God can do anything.

C: Yeah, you know that song, My God is so big, so strong and so mighty there's NOTHING my God cannot do! God can do anything He wants to.

Conversation followed. As we pulled up to the High Rise, the kids knew the routine. They'd go into the office and pick out a couple worksheets from their workbook to do before playing. Isaac summed up the whole conversation in a big, deep voice. He said with gusto, "Yeah! God can do REALLY HARD worksheets!"

I laughed and answered, "He can do a lot more than that!"


  1. I really hope you're keeping a journal of things like this! You're doing a great job!

  2. Myra, I love the stories you share about your kids. You make my day!!! Thanks for sharing and God bless you as a mother. What an important job!!!
