
blog purpose

What is the purpose of blogging? That was Jared's question to me the last time I started a blog.

Oh, there are so many good blogs out there. I'm a faithful reader of only three: passage, intensely trivial, and holy experience. I encourage you to check out those blogs, but realize that this blog will be somewhat different for the following reasons:

1) My knowledge and wit are limited.

2) I am not a writer.

3) Blogging is not something I'm really passionate about.

I deleted my last blog a few months ago because it was a chore to update, and I didn't really have a reason to blog. What wisdom do I have? I would rather spend time with our kids than sit at a computer thinking of things to write.

This blog has a different purpose.

Starting this week, our family will spend six months in San Angelo, Texas. Jared has training at Goodfellow Air Force Base. We decided our family would go on an excursion and move down there with him. This blog is for grandmas and grandpas, moms and dads, sisters and brothers, and friends to keep up with what we're doing. It's exciting to think about a six-month "vacation," but we will dearly miss every one of you, I know that already.

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