

from this week

mix and paint

Carly: the new photographer
Myra: enjoying a 10-minute kneading session. I attempted to make homemade bagels. I added blueberries, thinking they might turn out like Sara Lee's. Messing with the dough was fun, even therapeutic (something I recommend for an uptight woman needing something to squish)...

...but my bagels turned out tasting like yeast-flavored cardboard.

the kids making muffins and quickbreads for Grandma and Grandpa...
Carly wears this dance outfit (was it from Lisa?) when she wants to listen to fast music. She'll dance, but only if she's sure that no one's watching. If she's alone, music makes her come alive!


  1. your pictures are great as always...Carly's got her mother's "eye" for a good shot! Got Zack off today, so now I'm missing all kinds of people...Brian and his family, you guys and now Zack!! he's re-designed his blog and has it active for the year in Russia: zsuhr@blogspot.com if you want to follow~

  2. Myra,
    Thanks for your blog address! It's almost cool here this morning- WEIRD! Maybe some of that cool air will get south.
    Your pics are adorable and your bagels look yummy even though the taste wasn't really there! I'm sure you'll perfect that knowing your cooking skills.

  3. Thanks for the cool weather wishes. It still got to 100 today, but that's 3 degrees cooler than yesterday. We're groaning as we keep track of Sabetha's weather lately.
