
good reads

A few of our favorite books this week have been:

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
Carly and I read a chapter every night. Sometimes she can squeeze
two chapters out of me, but not usually. This book has just enough action for a four-year-old to imagine, so it doesn't require too many pictures.

Isaac the Ice Cream Truck by Scott Santoro
Not the greatest children's picture book, but Isaac sure likes it. Isaac, the ice cream truck, wanted to be a bigger, more important truck until his ice cream made the day for some hard-working firefighters.

Boing by Nick Bruel
A very cute book. Not many words, but the illustrations are good. A little kangaroo is learning how to boing, but he keeps falling on his face. His bystanders finally figure out the problem. His pocket is weighing him down because it's full of toys. They take the toys out, and he BOINGs. Isaac and Carly have been boinging off of chairs and furniture too.

The Prophet by Francine Rivers
A book about Amos. It's shameful how rarely I read books other than children's picture books. Actually, the truth is, I have a problem with time management when I start reading a book. This was a really good book. Francine Rivers takes the book of Amos and puts it to action and dialogue. She calls it a work of historical fiction, but the stories in it are all based on biblical accounts, and she claims to "have attempted to remain true to the scriptural message in all points." I hope my reading this book doesn't skew my understanding of Amos when I read it now. Learning the story of Amos was an eye-opener. He was a shepherd--and his sheep listened to him better than our sheep listen to us. (But he also slept in the pasture and played music for the sheep. We haven't gotten to that point yet.) He was also a prophet used by God to warn the people of Israel to repent before judgment came. And then judgment came. The sins of Israel were no worse than the sins of this world today. This book was a good reminder of God's patience, His love, His justice and holiness.


  1. So are you hitting up the library down there or do you have all these books? I should try to find those books here and tell Alayna she'll be reading the same books as C & I.

  2. We do have some books, but most of our books come from the library. I asked them the first day if there was a limit on how many we could check out. They said 50, so I think we'll be good. 20 has been our highest number. I felt bad about that until I saw my sister Carrie's book stack: at least 30. :) Sabetha library is pretty good, but this one has a huge children's section. It's GREAT!

  3. OK...Carly is reading "Charlie," you're reading the "prophet" book, and obviously Isaac is reading the "Isaac" book. So that leaves the "Boing" book for Jared, right? ;)
