
images and quotes

Sidewalk fun. Isaac was insistent on creating a picture of him with only underwear on. He is so excited about his new hand-me-down boxer briefs. Sometimes they peek out under the bottoms of his shorts.

On July 1st, Isaac woke up, barefeet padding to our bedroom, like always. The first thing out of his mouth was, "Am I three yet?" He immediately noticed how much bigger he was. His feet had even grown! Since then, he has been impressed by this age difference. Alayna is 3, but he's a bigger 3. A few days ago, he announced, "God is usually bigger than us." I said, "Not 'usually'--God is always bigger than us." This sparked Carly to begin instructing Isaac in quite an animated voice. "Isaac, you know what? We can't see God, but He can see us! He can see us, but we can't see Him. He lives way, way, way up in the sky, and He can see everyone!" Carly has this way of repeating herself if she wants to get a point across to Isaac. Here is a (very amateur) video of her teaching him to "share with everyone" last winter. Turn up your volume. Hope it works. If not, come visit us, and we'll show it to you on our computer.

Isaac's latest observation, staring at my legs: "You've got BIG LEGS!"
Nice. Thanks.


  1. that video is so cute!! she sure learned that lesson about sharing. she seems like the quintessential big sister. :)

  2. Adorable! If anyone doesn't get the point, they should re-run the video :)
